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Jobs in Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing

The cloud has become a key enabler for innovation with beneficial features like high availability, unlimited capacity, and on-demand scalability and elasticity. Learn the fundamentals of cloud computing while being introduced to compute power, security, storage, networking, messaging, and management services in the cloud. While learning the fundamentals, you will explore tools and services offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS) through interactive hands-on exercises. By the end of the course, you will have deployed your first website to AWS, and you will be prepared to continue your learning journey in the Cloud Developer Nanodegree program

Storage & Content Delivery


Networking & Elasticity

Messaging & Containers

AWS Management

Deploy Static Website on AWS

Getting Started with CloudFormation

With the advent of cloud computing, along came several tools that enabled us to deploy the underlying infrastructure components that provide security and services to our servers by writing scripts. In this course, you’ll learn how to deploy this infrastructure using CloudFormation, AWS’ tool for Infrastructure as Code. You will use CloudFormation to deploy Infrastructure patterns that are used broadly in the industry and can be readily used to deploy any cloud application. Like in the real world, you will begin with initial business requirements that you will turn into Cloud Architecture Diagrams. Then, you will deploy this architecture using CloudFormation

Infrastructure Diagrams

Networking Infrastructure

Servers and Security Groups

Storage and Databases

Monitoring & Logging

In this course, you’ll learn the process of taking software from source code to deployment and beyond. You’ll learn about automated testing, choosing the right deployment strategy for your business needs and deploying an appropriate CI/CD pipeline. You’ll also learn about monitoring and logging to ensure that your application is running at peak performance and stays that way. You’ll also learn to manage and make changes to your servers in an automated way, using Ansible, a leading Configuration Management tool.

Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment—

Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment Strategies —

Building a Continuous Integration Pipeline –

Enabling Continuous Delivery with Deployment Pipelines

Monitoring Environments

Deploy an Event-Driven Microservice

In this course, you will learn to create and deploy a Kubernetes cluster, configure Kubernetes autoscale, and load test a Kubernetes application. You’ll learn to operationalize both existing and new microservices, and apply containers best practices. You’ll learn to deploy Machine Learning microservices that are elastic and fault tolerant. You’ll learn to pick the appropriate abstraction for microservices: Serverless (AWS Lambda) or Container Orchestration (Kubernetes).

Using Docker Format Containers

Containerization of an Existing Application

Container Orchestration with Kubernetes

Operationalizing Microservices

Operationalize a Machine Learning Microservice API


Find your dream job with continuous learning and constant effort

Refine Your Entry-Level Resume

Craft Your Cover Letter

Optimize Your GitHub Profile

Develop Your Personal Brand

Lambda – Create a Function

AWS Lambda service allows you to run your code without needing to provision or configure any Servers. You get billed only for the compute time your code consumes. There is no charge when your code is not running. Currently, it supports Java, JavaScript, Python, Go, .Net, and Ruby.

You can even set your code to automatically trigger from other AWS services or call it directly from any web or mobile application. To get a glimpse of a sample use case, watch the introductory video present on the AWS Lambda webpage.

Step 1. Start the AWS Lambda Service

Log in to your AWS account, and go to the AWS Management Console. Navigate to the Lambda service.

Snapshot: Start Lamda from the AWS homepage.

Step 2. Launch the Wizard

You will be taken to the AWS Lambda dashboard. Launch the Create function wizard.

Snapshot: Lambda dashboard

Step 3. Create a Function

  1. AWS provides three options to get the template code of your function:
    • Author from scratch – Start with a simple Hello World example.
    • Use a blueprint – Build a Lambda application from sample code and configuration presets for common use cases.
    • Browse serverless app repository – Deploy a sample Lambda application from the AWS Serverless Application Repository.
  2. In the snapshot below, we have chosen the Use a blueprint option.

Snapshot: Choose the Use a blueprint option.

  1. Choose a Runtime and the name of the template.

Snapshot: Filter Runtime: nodejs 12.x and Blueprint name: hello-world

  1. Provide basic information about your function, such as the name, and permissions of your function. The permission decides which resources and actions your function has permission to access.
    In the snapshot below, we have chosen the default option Created a new role with basic Lambda permissions. In this case, the Lambda will create an execution role with permission to upload logs to Amazon CloudWatch Logs.

Snapshot: Choose a default role

Snapshot: The default code in the “hello-world” NodeJS application. Click on the “Create function”.

  1. After the successful creation of the function, you see an acknowledgment. Remember, I mentioned that you can run your Lambda code in response to events. Now, you will have to create an Event that will trigger your code to run.
    Lambda provides a Designer user interface that allows choosing other AWS services, as event sources, to trigger your code, and use a destination (optional) of your choice to store the generated/processes output.
    In our example, let’s click on the Test button to create an Event that will be manually passed to your code.

Snapshot: Create an Event by clicking on the Test button

  1. The Event is represented as a JSON file. Set three String values of your choice in the Event. A function can receive up to 10 test events.

Snapshot: Event is a JSON file. We will pass this Event to your code.

Step 4. Test Your Function

The snapshot below shows the Function code. Here, you can run the test, and see the output in the console below.

Snapshot: Run the Test, and observe the console output below the code.

Notice the Response, and the Function Logs. When you run the Test, the sample code accepts the event (JSON file) and processes the received information. In our case, we have printed all three JSON values on the console, and finally returned the first JSON value.

Step 5. Delete a Function

Even though you get billed only for the compute time your code consumes, we recommend you to delete your function if not in use. Deleting a function permanently removes the function code, however, the related IAM roles are retained in your account. You must delete the related IAM roles are well.

Snapshot: Delete a function