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Jobs in Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing

The cloud has become a key enabler for innovation with beneficial features like high availability, unlimited capacity, and on-demand scalability and elasticity. Learn the fundamentals of cloud computing while being introduced to compute power, security, storage, networking, messaging, and management services in the cloud. While learning the fundamentals, you will explore tools and services offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS) through interactive hands-on exercises. By the end of the course, you will have deployed your first website to AWS, and you will be prepared to continue your learning journey in the Cloud Developer Nanodegree program

Storage & Content Delivery


Networking & Elasticity

Messaging & Containers

AWS Management

Deploy Static Website on AWS

Getting Started with CloudFormation

With the advent of cloud computing, along came several tools that enabled us to deploy the underlying infrastructure components that provide security and services to our servers by writing scripts. In this course, you’ll learn how to deploy this infrastructure using CloudFormation, AWS’ tool for Infrastructure as Code. You will use CloudFormation to deploy Infrastructure patterns that are used broadly in the industry and can be readily used to deploy any cloud application. Like in the real world, you will begin with initial business requirements that you will turn into Cloud Architecture Diagrams. Then, you will deploy this architecture using CloudFormation

Infrastructure Diagrams

Networking Infrastructure

Servers and Security Groups

Storage and Databases

Monitoring & Logging

In this course, you’ll learn the process of taking software from source code to deployment and beyond. You’ll learn about automated testing, choosing the right deployment strategy for your business needs and deploying an appropriate CI/CD pipeline. You’ll also learn about monitoring and logging to ensure that your application is running at peak performance and stays that way. You’ll also learn to manage and make changes to your servers in an automated way, using Ansible, a leading Configuration Management tool.

Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment—

Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment Strategies —

Building a Continuous Integration Pipeline –

Enabling Continuous Delivery with Deployment Pipelines

Monitoring Environments

Deploy an Event-Driven Microservice

In this course, you will learn to create and deploy a Kubernetes cluster, configure Kubernetes autoscale, and load test a Kubernetes application. You’ll learn to operationalize both existing and new microservices, and apply containers best practices. You’ll learn to deploy Machine Learning microservices that are elastic and fault tolerant. You’ll learn to pick the appropriate abstraction for microservices: Serverless (AWS Lambda) or Container Orchestration (Kubernetes).

Using Docker Format Containers

Containerization of an Existing Application

Container Orchestration with Kubernetes

Operationalizing Microservices

Operationalize a Machine Learning Microservice API


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Develop Your Personal Brand

EC2 – Launch an Instance
  • EC2 — Launch an Instance

    In this tutorial, you will learn to launch an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instance. An EC2 instance is a Virtual Machine (VM) with user-defined configuration that runs on the cloud. There are a plethora of options to choose the instance-configuration of your choice. Let’s learn the general steps to build an instance with any given configuration.

    A. Prerequisite

    1. You should have an AWS account.

    B. Go to the EC2 Dashboard

    1. Log in to your AWS account, and go to the AWS Management Console. Select the EC2 service.

    Snapshot: AWS Management Console. You can select any AWS service from here.

    1. Have a look at the EC2 Dashboard. The EC2 Dashboard is home to a variety of related services, such as Amazon Machine Images, Elastic Block Store (EBS), Load Balancer, and Auto Scaling.

    Snapshot: EC2 Dashboard.

    C. Start the Launch Instance Wizard

    Launching an instance is an eight-step process, as described below. At any stage, you can refer to the instruction given in the official documentation for help.

    Step 1 — Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI)

    An AMI is a template used to create a VM. AMI contains the pre-installed operating system, application server, and applications required to launch your instance. There is a variety of Linux, Windows, and other OS servers available. Choose the one available under the free-tier option.

    Snapshot: Choose AMI. The Quick Start provides a list of basic AMIs.

    Step 2 — Choose an Instance Type

    Instance Type offers varying combinations of CPUs, memory (GB), storage (GB), types of network performance, and availability of IPv6 support. AWS offers a variety of instance types, based on the configuration you choose. Prefer to choose any one of those types supported by a free tier account.

    Snapshot: Choose an Instance Type.

    Select the hardware configuration of your instance. The t2.micro instance type, which is available under the free tier, is selected by default. It has 1 vCPU, 2.5 GHz, 1 GiB memory, the default root volume, and supports additional EBS storage.

    Step 3 — Configure Instance Details

    Provide the instance count and configuration details, such as network, subnet, behavior, monitoring, etc.

    Snapshot: Configure Instance Details. The wizard will populate the default values for all fields.

    Step 4 — Add Storage

    You can choose to attach either SSD or Standard Magnetic drive to your instance.

    Snapshot: Add Storage. You can edit the setting of the default root volume or attach additional EBS volumes.

    Step 5 — Add Tags

    A tag serves as a label that you can attach to multiple AWS resources, such as volumes, instances, users, or roles. Tagging helps in easy search and grouping resources for various purposes.

    Snapshot: Add Tags. Tags help to categorize the resources across AWS services. It works as a label.

    Step 6 — Configure Security Group

    Attach a set of firewall rules to your instance(s) that controls the incoming traffic to your instance(s).

    Snapshot: Security Groups. It defines the firewall rules, such as the protocol to open to network traffic and the set of valid IP addresses. By default, SSH protocol is used for a Linux instance, and RDP for a Windows instance. HTTP and HTTPS allow Internet traffic to reach your instance.

    Step 7 — Review

    Review your instance details before the launch.

    Snapshot: Review

    Step 8 — Download Key Pair

    AWS generates a pair of public and private (encrypted) keys, that help in logging into the EC2 instance. Download the private key (.pem file) locally. The public key will be stored on the EC2 instance, while the private key will be available to download locally, just once. In case, if the private key file (.pem) is misplaced or lost, the AWS doesn’t allow regenerating the private key.

    Snapshot: Download Private Key

    Snapshot: EC2 dashboard → Instances dashboard showing a running instance. You can select the checkbox against the instance you wish to connect/stop/terminate/view details. In this dashboard, you will see all your instances, their properties, and configuration details.

    Note — Do not forget to shut down/terminate every AWS resource after use. You can instantiate them again when you’d come back.

    Now, in one of your hands-on exercises next, you will have the chance to spin up your own EC2 Instance..

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