Getting Started: Azure Setup

Azure Infrastructure Operations

Azure Infrastructure Fundamentals

Azure Security Best Practices

Infrastructure as Code

Deploying a Web Server in Azure

Introduction to Agile Development with Azure

Agile Planning and Communication

Continuous Integration

Continuous Delivery

Project Building a CI/CD Pipeline

Ensuring Quality Releases (Quality Assurance)

Job Search

Refine Your Entry-Level Resume

Craft Your Cover Letter

Optimize Your GitHub Profile

Develop Your Personal Brand

Lesson Overview


Welcome to lesson 2! In this lesson we will cover Azure Infrastructure Fundamentals. Specifically, we will learn:

  • What the various IaazS resource types are that we can deploy.
  • How to use the in-portal wizard to deploy a virtual machine.
  • How to do virtual networking and load balancing, which will be critical for our project at the end of the course.
  • How to use Azure Monitor to optimize virtual machine performance and cost.
  • How to use Azure Active Directory for role-based access controls, users, and service principals.
  • How to use the Azure CLI (instead of the portal) to deploy resources.
  • When to use Azure portal vs. Azure CLI.

This lesson is a doozy! We’ll cover a lot of concepts and tools and it may be helpful for you to have a good reference on hand so you can refresh your memory as needed. So before we get started, I suggest going to the Azure documentation and bookmarking it for easy access throughout the rest of the course.

(When in doubt, check the documentation!)

Azure Infrastructure Fundamentals

In this lesson we’ll cover Azure infrastructure fundamentals, including IaaS resource types, deploying virtual machines, and virtual networking and load balancing.