Welcome to AI Programming with Python
Why Python Programming
Data Types and Operators
03.2 Quiz: Arithmetic Operators
06.2 Quiz: Variables and Assignment Operators
09. Quiz: Integers and Floats
11. Quiz: Booleans, Comparison Operators, and Logical Operators
14. Quiz: Strings
14.3 Quiz: Strings
17. Quiz: Type and Type Conversion
20. String Methods
23. Quiz: Lists and Membership Operators
26. Quiz: List Methods
28. Quiz: Tuples
30. Quiz: Sets
32. Quiz: Dictionaries and Identity Operators
34. Quiz: More With Dictionaries
36. Quiz: Compound Data Structures
Control Flow
07. Boolean Expressions for Conditions1:43
07.2 Boolean Expressions for Conditions2:18
07.3 Boolean Expressions for Conditions1:28
08. Quiz: Boolean Expressions for Conditions
09. Solution: Boolean Expressions for Conditions
10. For Loops5:24
11. Practice: For Loops
11.2 Practice: For Loops
12. Solution: For Loops Practice
13. Quiz: For Loops
13. Quiz: For Loops
13.2 Quiz: For Loops
13.3 Quiz: For Loops
13.4 Quiz: For Loops
14. Solution: For Loops Quiz
15. Quiz: Match Inputs To Outputs
15. Quiz: Match Inputs To Outputs
16. Building Dictionaries
17. Iterating Through Dictionaries with For Loops
17.2 Iterating Through Dictionaries with For Loops
18. Quiz: Iterating Through Dictionaries
18.2 Quiz: Iterating Through Dictionaries
18.3 Quiz: Iterating Through Dictionaries
19. Solution: Iterating Through Dictionaries
20. While Loops2:19
21. Practice: While Loops
21.2 Practice: While Loops
22. Solution: While Loops Practice
23. Quiz: While Loops
23.2 Quiz: While Loops
23.3 Quiz: While Loops
24. Solution: While Loops Quiz
25. Break, Continue3:00
25.2 Break, Continue
26. Quiz: Break, Continue
27. Solution: Break, Continue
28. Zip and Enumerate
29. Quiz: Zip and Enumerate
29.2 Quiz: Zip and Enumerate
29.3 Quiz: Zip and Enumerate
29.4 Quiz: Zip and Enumerate
29.5 Quiz: Zip and Enumerate
30. Solution: Zip and Enumerate
31. List Comprehensions2:21
32. Quiz: List Comprehensions
32.2 Quiz: List Comprehensions
32.3 Quiz: List Comprehensions
33. Solution: List Comprehensions
34. Conclusion0:21
02. Defining Functions4:04
02. Defining Functions
02.2 Defining Functions
02.3 Defining Functions1:34
03. Quiz: Defining Functions
03.2 Quiz: Defining Functions
04. Solution: Defining Functions
05. Variable Scope1:02
06. Variable Scope
07. Solution: Variable Scope
08. Documentation2:06
09. Quiz: Documentation
10. Solution: Documentation
11. Lambda Expressions1:48
12. Quiz: Lambda Expressions
12.2 Quiz: Lambda Expressions
13. Solution: Lambda Expressions
14. [Optional] Iterators and Generators2:11
15. [Optional] Quiz: Iterators and Generators
15.2 [Optional] Quiz: Iterators and Generators
16. [Optional] Solution: Iterators and Generators
17. [Optional] Generator Expressions
18. Conclusion0:31
19. Further Learning
01. Introduction0:29
02. Python Installation
03. Install Python Using Anaconda
04. [For Windows] Configuring Git Bash to Run Python
05. Running a Python Script1:35
06. Programming Environment Setup2:57
07. Editing a Python Script
07. Editing a Python Script
08. Scripting with Raw Input
09. Quiz: Scripting with Raw Input
10. Solution: Scripting with Raw Input
11. Errors and Exceptions1:57
12. Errors and Exceptions
13. Handling Errors1:33
13.2 Handling Errors2:02
14. Practice: Handling Input Errors
15. Solution: Handling Input Errors
16. Accessing Error Messages
17. Reading and Writing Files3:41
17.2 Reading and Writing Files1:17
17.3 Reading and Writing Files1:49
18. Quiz: Reading and Writing Files
18.2 Quiz: Reading and Writing Files
19. Solution: Reading and Writing Files
20. Importing Local Scripts4:47
21. The Standard Library2:17
22. Quiz: The Standard Library
22.2 Quiz: The Standard Library
22.2 Quiz: The Standard Library
23. Solution: The Standard Library
24. Techniques for Importing Modules1:36
24.2 Techniques for Importing Modules3:15
25. Quiz: Techniques for Importing Modules
26. Third-Party Libraries2:35
27. Experimenting with an Interpreter2:43
28. Online Resources
28. Online Resources
28.2 Online Resources
29. Conclusion0:19
Lab Classifying Images
01. Instructor
02. Lab Description
03. Lab Instructions1:40
04. Workspace How-to5:09
05. Workspaces: Best Practices
06. Lab Workspace
07. Timing Code
07.2 Timing Code2:06
08. Command Line Arguments3:06
08.2 Command Line Arguments
09. Mutable Data Types and Functions6:12
10. Creating Pet Image Labels – Part 1
11. Creating Pet Image Labels – Part 2
11.2 Creating Pet Image Labels – Part 23:33
12. Classifying Images – Part 1
13. Classifying Images – Part 2
13.2 Classifying Images – Part 25:16
14. Classifying Labels as Dogs
14.2 Classifying Labels as Dogs5:00
15. Calculating Results
15.2 Calculating Results4:45
16. Printing Results
16.2 Printing Results5:38
17. Results
18. Concluding Remarks
19. Lab Solution Workspace
01. Instructors
02. Introduction to NumPy
03. Why Use NumPy?3:08
04. Creating and Saving NumPy ndarrays5:44
05. Using Built-in Functions to Create ndarrays9:33
06. Create an ndarray
06. Solution. Create an ndarray
07. Accessing, Deleting, and Inserting Elements Into ndarrays5:37
08. Slicing ndarrays6:24
09. Boolean Indexing, Set Operations, and Sorting3:14
10. Manipulating ndarrays
10. Solution. Manipulating ndarrays
11. Arithmetic operations and Broadcasting00:00
12. Creating ndarrays with Broadcasting
12. Solution. Creating ndarrays with Broadcasting
13. Getting Set Up for the Mini-Project
14. Mini-Project: Mean Normalization and Data Separation
01. Instructors
02. Introduction to Pandas
03. Why Use Pandas?
04. Creating Pandas Series2:28
05. Accessing and Deleting Elements in Pandas Series2:34
06. Arithmetic Operations on Pandas Series2:11
07. Manipulate a Series
07. Solution. Manipulate a Series
08. Creating Pandas DataFrames5:05
09. Accessing Elements in Pandas DataFrames4:30
10. Dealing with NaN00:00
11. Manipulate a DataFrame
11. Solution. Manipulate a DataFrame
12. Loading Data into a Pandas DataFrame4:06
13. Getting Set Up for the Mini-Project
14. Mini-Project: Statistics From Stock Data
Matplotlib and Seaborn Part 1
01. Instructor
03. Tidy Data
04. Bar Charts2:28
04.2 Bar Charts4:13
05. Absolute vs. Relative Frequency1:04
05.2 Absolute vs. Relative Frequency00:00
06. Counting Missing Data
07. Bar Chart Practice
08. Pie Charts00:00
09. Histograms00:00
09.2 Histograms00:00
10. Histogram Practice
11. Figures, Axes, and Subplots
11. Figures, Axes, and Subplots
11.2 Figures, Axes, and Subplots
12. Choosing a Plot for Discrete Data
13. Descriptive Statistics, Outliers and Axis Limits00:00
13.2 Descriptive Statistics, Outliers and Axis Limits00:00
14. Scales and Transformations00:00
14.2 Scales and Transformations00:00
15. Scales and Transformations Practice
16. Lesson Summary00:00
17. Extra Kernel Density Estimation
Matplotlib and Seaborn Part 2
02. Scatterplots and Correlation2:38
02.2 Scatterplots and Correlation00:00
03. Overplotting, Transparency, and Jitter00:00
03.2 Overplotting, Transparency, and Jitter00:00
04. Heat Maps00:00
04.2 Heat Maps00:00
05. Scatterplot Practice
06. Violin Plots00:00
06.2 Violin Plots00:00
07. Box Plots00:00
07.2 Box Plots00:00
08. Violin and Box Plot Practice
09. Clustered Bar Charts00:00
09.2 Clustered Bar Charts00:00
10. Categorical Plot Practice
11. Faceting00:00
11.2 Faceting00:00
12. Adaptation of Univariate Plots00:00
12.2 Adaptation of Univariate Plots00:00
13. Line Plots00:00
13.2 Line Plots00:00
14. Additional Plot Practice
15. Lesson Summary00:00
16. Postscript Multivariate Visualization
17. Extra Swarm Plots
18. Extra Rug and Strip Plots
01. Our Goal
02. Instructors
03. Essence of Linear Algebra4:26
04. Structure of this lesson
05. Working with Equations
06. Try our workspace out!00:00
07. Try our workspace again!00:00
02. Vectors, what even are they Part 21:44
03. Vectors, what even are they Part 34:05
04. Vectors- Mathematical definition
05. Transpose
06. Magnitude and Direction
07. Vectors- Quiz 1
08. Operations in the Field
09. Vector Addition
10. Vectors- Quiz 2
11. Scalar by Vector Multiplication
12. Vectors Quiz 3
13. Vectors Quiz Answers
Linear Combination
01. Linear Combination. Part 100:00
02. Linear Combination. Part 200:00
03. Linear Combination and Span
04. Linear Combination -Quiz 1
05. Linear Dependency
06. Solving a Simplified Set of Equations
07. Linear Combination – Quiz 2
08. Linear Combination – Quiz 3
Linear Transformation and Matrices
01. What is a Matrix
02. Matrix Addition
03. Matrix Addition Quiz
04. Scalar Multiplication of Matrix and Quiz
05. Multiplication of a Square Matrices
06. Square Matrix Multiplication Quiz
07. Matrix Multiplication – General
08. Matrix Multiplication Quiz
09. Linear Transformation and Matrices . Part 100:00
10. Linear Transformation and Matrices. Part 200:00
11. Linear Transformation and Matrices. Part 300:00
12. Linear Transformation Quiz Answers
Vectors Lab
01. Vectors Lab
02. Vectors Lab Solution00:00
02.2 Vectors Lab Solution00:00
Linear Combination Lab
01. Linear Combination
02. Linear Combination Lab Solution00:00
Linear Mapping Lab
01. Lab Description
02. Visualizing Matrix Multiplication
03. Matrix Multiplication Lab
04. Linear Mapping Lab Solution1:17
04.2 Linear Mapping Lab Solution00:00
04.3 Linear Mapping Lab Solution00:00
Linear Algebra in Neural Networks
01. Instructor
02. Brief Introduction
03. What is a Neural Network0:30
04. How Are The Neurons Connected
05. Putting The Pieces Together00:00
06. The Feedforward Process- Finding h00:00
07. The Feedforward Process- Finding y00:00
Introduction to Neural Networks
01. Instructor
02. Introduction1:54
03. Classification Problems 11:38
03. Classification Problems 1
04. Classification Problems 21:04
05. Linear Boundaries2:43
05. Linear Boundaries
06. Higher Dimensions2:01
06. Higher Dimensions
07. Perceptrons00:00
07. Perceptrons
08. Why Neural Networks00:00
09. Perceptrons as Logical Operators00:00
09. Perceptrons as Logical Operators Lab
09.2 Perceptrons as Logical Operators00:00
09.2 Perceptrons as Logical Operators Lab
09.2 Perceptrons as Logical Operators Lab
09.3 Perceptrons as Logical Operators Lab
09.4 Perceptrons as Logical Operators00:00
09.5 Perceptrons as Logical Operators
09.5 Perceptrons as Logical Operators
10. Perceptron Trick00:00
10. Perceptron Trick
10.2 Perceptron Trick0:13
10.3 Perceptron Trick2:59
10.3 Perceptron Trick
11. Perceptron Algorithm00:00
11. Perceptron Algorithm Lab
12. Non-Linear Regions00:00
13. Error Functions00:00
14. Log-loss Error Function00:00
14. Log-loss Error Function
15. Discrete vs Continuous00:00
15.2 Discrete vs Continuous00:00
15.2 Discrete vs Continuous
16. Softmax00:00
16.2 Softmax00:00
16.2 Softmax
16.3 Softmax00:00
16.3 Softmax
16.3 Solution. Softmax
17. One-Hot Encoding00:00
18. Maximum Likelihood00:00
18.2 Maximum Likelihood00:00
18.2 Maximum Likelihood
19. Maximizing Probabilities00:00
19.2 Maximizing Probabilities00:00
19.2 Maximizing Probabilities
20. Cross-Entropy 100:00
21. Cross-Entropy 200:00
21.2 Cross-Entropy 200:00
21.2 Cross-Entropy 2 Lab
21.2 Solution. Cross-Entropy 2 Lab
22. Multi-Class Cross Entropy00:00
22. Multi-Class Cross Entropy
23. Logistic Regression00:00
23.2 Logistic Regression00:00
24. Gradient Descent00:00
24.2 Gradient Descent
24.3 Gradient Descent
25. Logistic Regression Algorithm00:00
26. Pre-Lab Gradient Descent
27. Notebook Gradient Descent
28. Perceptron vs Gradient Descent00:00
29. Continuous Perceptrons00:00
30. Non-linear Data00:00
31. Non-Linear Models00:00
32. Neural Network Architecture00:00
32.2 Neural Network Architecture00:00
32.3 Neural Network Architecture00:00
32.4 Neural Network Architecture00:00
33. Feedforward00:00
33.2 Feedforward00:00
32.2 Neural Network Architecture
34. Backpropagation00:00
34.2 Backpropagation00:00
34.3 Backpropagation00:00
34.4 Backpropagation00:00
35. Pre-Lab Analyzing Student Data
36. Notebook Analyzing Student Data
37. Outro
Implementing Gradient Descent
01. Mean Squared Error Function
02. Gradient Descent00:00
03. Gradient Descent The Math7:36
04. Gradient Descent The Code
04. Solution. Gradient Descent The Code
05. Implementing Gradient Descent
06. Multilayer Perceptrons00:00
06. Multilayer Perceptrons Lab
07. Backpropagation00:00
07. Backpropagation Lab
08. Implementing Backpropagation
08. Implementing Backpropagation Lab
09. Further Reading
06. Solution. Multilayer Perceptrons Lab
07. Solution. Backpropagation Lab
Training Neural Networks
01. Instructor
02. Training Optimization00:00
03. Testing00:00
04. Overfitting and Underfitting00:00
05. Early Stopping00:00
06. Regularization00:00
06. Regularization
07. Regularization 200:00
08. Dropout00:00
09. Local Minima00:00
10. Random Restart00:00
11. Vanishing Gradient00:00
12. Other Activation Functions00:00
13. Batch vs Stochastic Gradient Descent00:00
14. Learning Rate Decay00:00
15. Momentum00:00
16. Error Functions Around the World00:00
Deep Learning with PyTorch
01. Instructor
02. Introducing PyTorch
03. PyTorch Tensors7:32
04. Defining Networks17:18
05. Training Networks00:00
06. Fashion-MNIST Exercise1:25
07. Inference Validation13:03
08. Saving and Loading Trained Networks00:00
09. Loading Data Sets with Torchvision00:00
10. Transfer Learning00:00
11. Transfer Learning Solution
Create Your Own Image Classifier
01. Instructor
02. Project Intro0:47
03. Introduction to GPU Workspaces
04. Updating to PyTorch
05. Image Classifier – Part 1 – Development
06. Image Classifier – Part 1 – Workspace
07. Image Classifier – Part 2 – Command Line App
08. Image Classifier – Part 2 – Workspace
09. Rubric
Project Description – Create Your Own Image Classifier
Project Rubric – Create Your Own Image Classifier
How Do I Continue From Here
01. Next Steps into the AI World!3:04
# TODO: Create a dictionary to store the contact information of several people
# The keys should be the names of the people and the values should be dictionaries containing their phone numbers and email addresses
contacts = {
“Alice”: {
“phone”: “555-123-4567”,
“email”: “alice@example.com”
“Bob”: {
“phone”: “555-987-6543”,
“email”: “bob@example.com”
# TODO: Print the contact information of Alice
print(“Alice’s Contact Information:”)
print(f”Phone: {contacts[‘Alice’][‘phone’]}”)
print(f”Email: {contacts[‘Alice’][’email’]}”)
# TODO: Add a new contact named Charlie with phone number ‘555-222-3333’ and email address ‘charlie@example.com’
contacts[“Charlie”] = {
“phone”: “555-222-3333”,
“email”: “charlie@example.com”
# TODO: Update Bob’s phone number to ‘555-444-5555’
contacts[“Bob”][“phone”] = “555-444-5555”
# TODO: Delete the contact information of Alice
del contacts[“Alice”]
# TODO: Print the updated contact list
print(“Updated Contact List:”)
for name, info in contacts.items():
print(f” Phone: {info[‘phone’]}”)
print(f” Email: {info[’email’]}”)
# TODO: Check if a contact named David exists in the contact list
if “David” in contacts:
print(“David’s contact information exists.”)
print(“David’s contact information does not exist.”)