Welcome to AI Programming with Python

Start using AI techniques and developing skills related to programming, linear algebra, and neural networks.

Why Python Programming

Start coding with Python, drawing upon libraries and automation scripts to solve complex problems quickly.

Data Types and Operators

Control Flow



Lab Classifying Images

In this project, learners will be testing their newly-acquired Python coding skills by using a trained image classifier. They will need to use the trained neural network to classify images of dogs (by breeds) and compare the output with the known dog breed classification. Learners will have a chance to build their own functions, use command line arguments, test the runtime of the code, create a dictionary of lists, and more.


Learn how to use all the key tools for working with data in Python: Jupyter Notebooks, NumPy, Anaconda, Pandas, and Matplotlib.


Matplotlib and Seaborn Part 1

Learn how to use Matplotlib to choose appropriate plots for one and two variables based on the types of data you have.

Matplotlib and Seaborn Part 2


Learn the foundational math needed for AI success—vectors, linear transformations, and matrices—as well as the linear algebra behind neural networks.


Linear Combination

Linear Transformation and Matrices

Vectors Lab

Linear Combination Lab

Linear Mapping Lab

Linear Algebra in Neural Networks

Introduction to Neural Networks

Gain a solid foundation in the latest trends in AI: neural networks, deep learning, and PyTorch.

Implementing Gradient Descent

Training Neural Networks

Deep Learning with PyTorch

Create Your Own Image Classifier

How Do I Continue From Here

03. Deadline Policy

Deadline Policy

This program is project-based, and the project has a suggested deadline to keep students on pace towards graduation. In addition to the suggested project deadline, each class has a term end deadline, by which date the project must be passed in order to successfully complete the course and receive a certificate.

Suggested Project Deadline by Class

September Class

Project Suggested Deadline
Term Begins Sep 4
Image Classifier Oct 20
Term End Deadline Dec 1

We highly recommend adding these deadlines to your calendar to stay on track. You can do this in two ways:

August Class

Project Suggested Deadline
Term Begins Aug 7
Image Classifier Sep 22
Term End Deadline Nov 3

We highly recommend adding these deadlines to your calendar to stay on track. You can do this in two ways:

July Class

Project Suggested Deadline
Term Begins Jul 3
Image Classifier Aug 18
Term End Deadline Sep 29

We highly recommend adding these deadlines to your calendar to stay on track. You can do this in two ways:

June Class

Project Suggested Deadline
Term Begins June 5
Image Classifier Jul 21
Term End Deadline Sep 1

We highly recommend adding these deadlines to your calendar to stay on track. You can do this in two ways:

Deadlines FAQ

What is a “suggested deadline”?

The “suggested deadlines” are flexible deadlines that are meant to guide students towards graduation and there’s no penalty if you miss the project deadlines we’ve laid out for you. You are welcome to turn in your projects before or after the suggested deadline as long as you turn everything in by the term end date.

Do I have to turn my projects in by the dates BAI has laid out?

No. The project deadline dates we’ve laid out are suggestions from our team to help keep you on pace to successfully graduate by the end of the Nanodegree term. The date that you should use as your compass is the term end deadline.

What happens if I don’t complete a project by the date BAI has laid out?

Nothing. There is no penalty for missing a suggested project deadline and you can turn projects in at any time (before or after the suggested deadline), as long as it is by your term end deadline. Although the project deadlines you see are soft deadlines, we highly recommend you try your best to keep up with the suggested deadlines to ensure you can get through the content at a reasonable pace and so all your projects don’t pile up a few weeks before your term-end deadline.

What do I need to do in order to complete the course?

Students must complete and pass all the required projects by the term-end date in order to successfully graduate from the program. Passing a project means that a Reviewer has marked your project as “Meets Specifications.” The project review process can take anywhere between a couple of hours to a couple of days, so please plan accordingly as you turn in your projects towards the end of your term. Your projects must be reviewed and passed by the last day of the term. NOTE: you can submit your project as many times as you need to in order to pass.

Can I graduate from the Nanodegree program without completing and passing all the required projects?

No, all required projects must be completed and passed in order to receive a Nandodegree certificate. However, the course may have a few extra projects or labs (those not mentioned in the Deadlines calendar), which are solely for your benefit and are not required for graduation.

Do I need to wait until the last day of the term in order to graduate?

No. Students can graduate from the program at anytime after they complete and pass all the required projects. Once your final project has been passed by a Reviewer, you will see the option to begin the graduation process.

Is the term end date also a suggested deadline?

No. That is the date you should be working towards as the last date you can turn projects in.

What happens if I don’t turn all my project in by the term end date?

If you do not pass all projects by the last day of the term, you will receive an automatic and free 4-week extension (no need to write in to support to receive this extension) to complete any outstanding projects. You will only receive this extension once, so please do not aim to use this extension unless you absolutely need to and certainly do not leave a majority of your projects unattempted until this extension period.

Do I need to write in to support to get an extension, should I need it?

No. You will automatically receive a free 4-week extension if you don’t complete and pass all the required projects by the term end date.

What are my options if I still don’t complete all the required projects within the 4-week extension?

If you do not complete the term within the extension period, you will be removed from the program and will no longer be able to access course content. To resume access to the course, you would need to re-enroll in a new term and pay the associated enrollment fees again. However, your course progress will carry over to the new term, so you will be able to continue where you left off.