Welcome to AI Programming with Python

Start using AI techniques and developing skills related to programming, linear algebra, and neural networks.

Why Python Programming

Start coding with Python, drawing upon libraries and automation scripts to solve complex problems quickly.

Data Types and Operators

Control Flow



Lab Classifying Images

In this project, learners will be testing their newly-acquired Python coding skills by using a trained image classifier. They will need to use the trained neural network to classify images of dogs (by breeds) and compare the output with the known dog breed classification. Learners will have a chance to build their own functions, use command line arguments, test the runtime of the code, create a dictionary of lists, and more.


Learn how to use all the key tools for working with data in Python: Jupyter Notebooks, NumPy, Anaconda, Pandas, and Matplotlib.


Matplotlib and Seaborn Part 1

Learn how to use Matplotlib to choose appropriate plots for one and two variables based on the types of data you have.

Matplotlib and Seaborn Part 2


Learn the foundational math needed for AI success—vectors, linear transformations, and matrices—as well as the linear algebra behind neural networks.


Linear Combination

Linear Transformation and Matrices

Vectors Lab

Linear Combination Lab

Linear Mapping Lab

Linear Algebra in Neural Networks

Introduction to Neural Networks

Gain a solid foundation in the latest trends in AI: neural networks, deep learning, and PyTorch.

Implementing Gradient Descent

Training Neural Networks

Deep Learning with PyTorch

Create Your Own Image Classifier

How Do I Continue From Here

02.4 Conditional Statements Practice

Try It Out!

Use Test Run to execute the following code, which includes several examples of if statements. Experiment with different inputs and see what is printed out. Can you follow the flow of logic to figure out which code lines will get run? If you’re not sure, you can insert additional print statements to help you figure out how it works.

#First Example - try changing the value of phone_balance
phone_balance = 10
bank_balance = 50

if phone_balance < 10:
    phone_balance += 10
    bank_balance -= 10


#Second Example - try changing the value of number

number = 145
if number % 2 == 0:
    print("Number " + str(number) + " is even.")
    print("Number " + str(number) + " is odd.")

#Third Example - try to change the value of age
age = 35

# Here are the age limits for bus fares
free_up_to_age = 4
child_up_to_age = 18
senior_from_age = 65

# These lines determine the bus fare prices
concession_ticket = 1.25
adult_ticket = 2.50

# Here is the logic for bus fare prices
if age <= free_up_to_age:
    ticket_price = 0
elif age <= child_up_to_age:
    ticket_price = concession_ticket
elif age >= senior_from_age:
    ticket_price = concession_ticket
    ticket_price = adult_ticket

message = "Somebody who is "+ str(age) +" years old will pay "+ str(ticket_price) +" to ride the bus."